Health & Safety Policy

It is the policy of Apex Displays Limited to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of our employees, sub-contractors, customers, public and others that may be affected by our activities we will strive to comply, exceedand continually improve on the requirements of all relevant Health and Safety legislation.

The Health, Safety and Welfare of the employees and others who may be affected by our operations are of prime importance toApex Displays Limited and we have, therefore, implemented management systems that have been accredited to ISO 45001 to aideour commit to the continual improvement of our Health & Safety performance, compliance with current legislation, industrystandards and best practices.

To achieve the above Apex Displays Limited shall take all reasonably practicable precautions to ensure the Health, Safety andWelfare at work of its employees by:

Providing a healthy and safe working environment through the design, construction, operation and maintenance of all plant,equipment and facilities. Also,

  • Conducting Risk Assessments leading to Safe systems of work which consider not just our own employees butothers who may be affected by our operations.
  • Providing adequate resource to manage Health & Safety
  • Providing Adequate Information, Instruction, Training and Supervision to enable persons to work
  • Communicating and Consulting with our employees on issues relating to their Health & Safety
  • Providing Adequate and Effective Procedures and facilities to deal with Emergency
  • Conducting Tests, inspections, audits, samples and records as necessary to monitor the working
  • Establishing Goals and key performance indicators which are regularly
  • Investigating all incidents based on their potential severity with a view to reducing accident rates by the analysisof causes and
  • Providing Suitable and Sufficient Personal Protective Equipment free of
  • Providing suitable and adequate welfare arrangements for all employees and sub-contractors

Apex Displays Limited recognizes that the prevention of accidents, incidents and the protection of personnel are an integral part of Company performance and area of equal priority to all other business objectives.

Health & Safety issues are clearly recognized as a line management responsibility. Management will ensure that the requiredadvice and support on HS issues is obtained from HS professionals to enable activities to be undertaken in compliance withcurrent Legislation.

This Policy will be subject to review by the undersigned Directors on an annual basis and will be made available to all employees.

This Policy will be communicated to all employees displayed on Company noticeboards inside Company premises and distributed to personnel at induction, any amendments will be brought to their attention via their line management and is available upon request.

We will ensure that this policy is pursued throughout the organisation and will give full backing to the SHEQ Team whosefunction shall be to monitor and report on its implementation.

The overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Welfare of the company and its personnel is vested in the Managing Director;however, the responsibility of health and safety at work rests with every employee and person under our control, for themselves, and others who may be affected by their actions.

Our policy actively encourages employees and persons under our control to report their safety concerns in an environment that isfree from any form of discrimination. However, any employee or person under our control who fails to carry out their responsibilitiesunder this policy will be investigated for Gross Misconduct which may result in dismissal.

Managing Director – Jarome Warrilow



Date : 1 July 2024

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